I am always amazed at pregnancies and birth. It is such a miraclulous event! Â I always think of Psalm 139:1-16 when I hear of a new pregnancy. Have a look in the Bible at this scripture and see what you think?
Now I have just had the most amazing 20 days in Sydney! I arrived on the 10th of March and left again on the 30th, and in that time I became a Nana again to grandchild number 6. Master G6 arrived at 3:50 am on the 18th of March, weighing in at 8lb 11 oz, and with a thick crop of black hair!

So I spent 8 days in Sydney waiting for labour to start, and helping D1 with the last minute preparations for having a new baby in the home; and then 12 days having lots of Nana cuddles with G6 and getting to know him a little, and also spending quality time with his two big sisters, and Mum and Dad. I also had my camera out ready to capture all the memory making moments! Here’s a sample of those precious moments…

And from that first day of G6’s life after his birth…we managed to take heaps of photos. C1 reckons there are already more photos of G6 than he has of himself in his whole life… haha. But really, how can you not take so many photos of a very cute baby. And….such a good baby as well.

Now I tried to be helpful, and not be labeled as an interferring mother-in-law (D1 and I get along really well, so I don’t really fear that label at all….but I treasure our relationship, and certainly want to make sure we remain great friends …always). So I did what I went over to Sydney to do. To be helpful and make life easier for the new Mummy, and the family as a whole. I helped with the cooking, washing and transporting and anything else that needed to be done. I also had many swims and managed to crotchet a whole blanket, and cushion cover and finish a little knitted cardigan….all for G6 🙂 I hope that I was a blessing….I know that I was blessed 🙂

And on the last full day of my holiday we went to get some family portraits taken. The photographer allowed me to take some photos from beside her. I imagine her photos are going to be spectacular, because even though my backgrounds aren’t perfect, the photos are amazing! I love them all!

My son C1 has always been at ‘Star Wars’ fan. He has watched all the movies….many times. He has lots of Star Wars memorabilia. He has many collections of Star Wars collectors cards…and he can now say ‘Luke….I am your father’

Yes….2014 has been a great year so far. We have two new grand children to add to the fabulous four we already had. We also have another one due to be born in April. A little girl, and she will be born in London. I am guessing that that event will be my next post! And I can’t wait to meet her and share her with my world 🙂
Wonderful post and what a wonderful Nana. A great wee story for all to read and share.
You are just the most proudest nana. Lovely family photos as well.
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