A Parent’s Love

Over the years of being a parent I have had so many happy loving moments that they are too numerous to mention, and each moment makes the role of being a parent worth the sacrifice and commitment of being a Mum. I have loved being a Mum (and still do) and I am now enjoying the role of being a grandparent. If you look at my last few posts you will see that we have been blessed with three more lovely grandchildren this year alone….making our grandchildren seven in number. Wow…God is good 🙂

There has also been those times when parenting brings a hurt that is almost unbearable. These are the times when you try to share a desire for the very best for your child, when you give the best wisdom you can from your own life experience, or wisdom that comes from God and His word to your child, but they just choose to walk a path that is completely opposite. As a parent you wonder why? What did I do wrong? What could I have done better? And yes… I know what you the reader would be saying. ‘You can’t live your child’s life for them’, ‘They have to grow up and make choices and live by the results of those choices..and grow through them’… But there is nothing wrong with wanting the very best for your child!

Seeing your child with wounds of the heart because of their wrong choices is one of the most painful things in life. You see…you love them so much, you don’t want them to be hurt that way. Falling over and skinnng a knee can heal really quickly, painful at the time, but actually has no life long effect. Being rejected, cheated on, disrespected, used and lied to is much more damaging. These hurts can take a lifetime to be healed from, and sadly, unless attended to,  they can also affect future relationships. These wounds of the heart are that severe! Believe me I know. Those of you who know my history will know that I am talking from experience. And…because of my life, I have never wanted my children to suffer those very deep and painful wounds for themselves.

True healing can come from a relationship with God, but it can take years. It is a process. How much better it would be to never have made those wrong choices? I hope you, the reader has faith. God loves you, and His plan is perfect!

While travelling home from Sydney today I watched a movie called ‘Grace Unplugged’ It’s a great movie about a father trying to lead his child by example (hopefully we all do that), and to help her make decisions that he felt were the best for her to make (yes I could see where he was coming from), but instead the child, Grace, gathered resentment towards her father and his faith, and walked completely in the opposite direction. And sadly, both ended up with huge regrets…. the ending you can probably guess, but the movie is well worth watching to see the end for yourself. Anyway…. I could see some similarity in my life!

Once home and reading through my many emails I came across a link to a ‘You Tube’ clip from a church that I regularly watch messages from. This video/teaching is great! Well I think so anyway 🙂 And, I wonder just how many parents of young adults that are getting into boyfriend/girlfriend relationships, would like to have access to great teaching on this very subject. Below is the link. Have a listen…and maybe send the link to your young adult to have a listen to as well….then, like me…. pray pray and then do some more praying 🙂

It’s Easter!

Every morning I read ‘The Word For Toady’. It’s a devotional book that I receive every three months from Radio Rhema, New Zealand (RBG). For each day there is a scripture to read followed by a little message that explains the scripture a little further. The explanation is written by Bob and Debby Gass from UCB International.

Now I have been receiving these books for approximately 20 years! How do I remember to read it, you ask? Well, I have it sitting on a shelf in my toilet, and when I go to the toilet first thing in the morning, I read my ‘Word for today’. Too much information….you say… Well it works for me! Hehe 🙂

This morning is the 18th of April, and it is Good Friday here in New Zealand. The title for today’s reading is ‘You get another shot’, and the scripture for today is…

‘…”Lord, remember me when You come into Your Kingdom”…Jesus said… “Today you will be with Me in Paradise.”‘ Luke 23:42-43 NKJV

And the further reading today just touched my heart, and I want to share it with you.

Author Charles Swindoll writes: ‘If ever there was a deathbed conversion, that was it. The thief lived his entire life a sinner, a hoodlum…in no way did he prove himself worthy…so what had he done to receive eternal life? What did Jesus accept? Faith – simple, unadulterated, unproved faith in Christ. That’s all God requires and all we can offer. The snapshot of Jesus’ life the thief saw convinced him He was the Son of God.

Their dialogue teaches us three important truths: (1) No one is ever too far gone. Think of someone you’ve written off… ‘Oh, they’ll never come to know Christ. I’ve tried everything…he’s never going to respond’. When you’re tempted to think anyone is beyond the reach of grace, remember the criminal on the cross. (2) Your real message is your life. Socrates once called words ‘stupid things’. When your life draws the attention of lost people, you have sufficient proof to back up the words you use. When you let God do the work in their lives, and yours, you’ll be amazed how He brings the appropriate words. (3) All God requires and accepts is simple faith. If you’re working hard to earn your way into the Kingdom…you’re on the wrong path. Think about it – how many works will be enough? When salvation is by faith, all the work and all the glory are God’s.

Never doubt your acceptance into His family when you come His way. The thief didn’t doubt…He didn’t have to make any promises. He believed with all his heart, and was saved.’ You can be too!

You too can read the ‘Word for today’ everyday. I will put the link for todays message below and then you can read each days new message via the internet…..enjoy



A little bit of my crafty life…

While expecting the three new grandchildren to arrive this year, I decided to get back into some of my older craft activities. Amazingly, the Scrapbooking has been put aside until I’ve completed these baby gifts! But I will get back to it as there will be so many photos of each new grandchild to make pages with… I can’t wait!

I’ve now been sewing baby clothes, wraps and bibs and also had the knitting needles and crochet hooks out….and I’ve had fun! Nothing like a new baby to give you motivation.

So first to be born this year was G5 on the 4th of February. I made her a crotcheted blanket just like the one I had for my children when they were babies.

G5’s Blanket. I had to feature some pink!

And here is beautiful little G5 tucked up and sound asleep with her new blanket. Hopefully she will be able to keep her own ‘Nana made’ blanket for years 🙂

Doesn't she look so peaceful
Doesn’t she look so peaceful

While I was making G5’s blanket I had another pink one on the go. With having two grand daughters arriving I needed/wanted to make one for each of them. The other blanket was quite different. Instead of crocheting in rounds I crocheted in rows of treble crochets.

Now...this is a much brighter pink!
Now…this is a much brighter pink!

I had fun making this blanket as it was in 12 ply and grew very fast. Trouble was it used heaps of wool up too and I ran out doing the edge! As it was such a bright blanket I decided to tone it down with a fancy white edging. This blanket is now in England waiting for grand baby girl to be born. And….I can’t wait to hear the news as it could be any day now 🙂

In the end I loved the white edging. It brings such a contrast and is quite lacy
In the end I loved the white edging. It brings such a contrast and is quite lacy

Here is a close up of the lovely white lacy edge…

I think it is really pretty. I just hope her little fingers don't get caught in it all the time.
I think it is really pretty. I just hope her little fingers don’t get caught in it all the time.

So G5 was born in February and on the 10th of March I headed for Sydney to be there when Grandson G6 was born. I took a suitcase of wool with me to crotchet G6’s blanket with. I had 20 days! He arrived on the 18th of March, one day before his due date.

Waiting for Luke's day of birth. I'm crocheting and Rebecca is journalling
Waiting for G6’s day of birth. I’m crocheting and D1 is journalling

I started a pattern of so many rows of the blue/green wool and then two rows of white. The blanket ended up huge, as I had to complete the pattern…and I ended up having to race to ‘Spotlight’ to buy more wool. But in the end I was really happy with it…and I got it finished

It was big enough to cover the sofa!
It was big enough to cover the sofa! And this isn’t the finished size! I still had more rows of colour to do and also the white edge!

And because I had brought more wool I decided to use it all up and make a pillow to match…although the pattern was different as I had more white wool left than the coloured wood.

I managed to make both of these in 20 days...so happy :-)
The finished blanket and pillow! I managed to make both of these in 20 days…so happy 🙂

I have a photo of G6 laying on his blanket in the previous post. Go and have a look at him…he is such a little cutie!

I enjoyed crocheting so much I have started another blanket. It’s so easy to just sit and crotchet while you are watching TV, or a movie, or even while you are talking. I feel like I’m being productive even while doing nothing.

Now isn't that cute :-)
Now isn’t that cute 🙂

I should really be using a bigger size crochet hook but I didn’t have mine with me when I started and I didn’t want to undo it and start again….so it is very tight crocheting and quite firm! I hope it’s going to be okay when it’s finished.

Now, when I was in Sydney I also finished off knitting a little blue cardy. I started it when D1 first found out she was pregnant….so it has definitely been a work in progress! Apart from sewing the buttons on, which I left for D1 to do (I didn’t have any and didn’t have time to shop for some), I got it finished! Phew!

Minus the buttons and a little bit of sewing up :-)
Minus the buttons and a little bit of sewing up 🙂

So along with the knitting and crocheting, I have also been making myself a couple of dresses and some baby items as well. I forgot to take photos of the baby things apart from these two little dresses…

One for Ella and one for Sophie :-)
One for G5 and one for G7 🙂

I usually find it hard to make clothes for myself that fit okay once sewn up. I’m not very good at altering the pattern for my body shape! I usually sew it up as much as possible and then put it on inside out and pin the seams to fit better! I decided to buy a new pattern as see how it turned out by just cutting and sewing as the pattern said! This is the pattern…

This pattern is really easy to use! I was really happy with it :-)
This pattern is really easy to use! I was really happy with it 🙂

I purchased my material from ‘Spotlight’s’ 30% off sale. For one dress it cost $12! Now that’s a bargain. especially if you don’t count the value of my time taken to make the dress. I made it for me for free 🙂

This is the first one I made. Excuse the fact that my body has got wider through the middle as I have got older. I need to exercise more but I am too busy sitting down doing craft!
This is the first one I made. Excuse the fact that my body has got wider through the middle as I have got older. I need to exercise more but I am too busy sitting down doing craft!

This dress has pockets at both sides. It has been cut and sewn just as the pattern said and fits me perfectly. You have no idea how happy this makes me feel. So happy that I had to make another dress!

This one I decided to make a contrast top on it like in the pattern :-)
This one I decided to make a contrast top on it like in the pattern 🙂

I just have one more dress cut out to sew up for me, and the crochet blanket to finish, and then I can spend some time creating with these beautiful fat quarter fabrics. They have been washed and are just sitting waiting for me to find some inspiration and spare time! Aren’t they fabulous!

Now what am I going to make????
Now what am I going to make????

I will be spending a wee bit of time on ‘Pinterest’ looking for ideas I think 🙂

And Grandbaby number two for 2014 arrives!

I am always amazed at pregnancies and birth. It is such a miraclulous event!  I always think of Psalm 139:1-16 when I hear of a new pregnancy. Have a look in the Bible at this scripture and see what you think?

Now I have just had the most amazing 20 days in Sydney! I arrived on the 10th of March and left again on the 30th, and in that time I became a Nana again to grandchild number 6. Master G6 arrived at 3:50 am on the 18th of March, weighing in at 8lb 11 oz, and with a thick crop of black hair!

Baby Luke surrounded by his adoring family, Dad Matthew, Mum Rebecca, and sisters Leeara and Casey
Baby G6 surrounded by his adoring family, Dad C1, Mum D1, and sisters G1 and G3

So I spent 8 days in Sydney waiting for labour to start, and helping D1 with the last minute preparations for having a new baby in the home; and then 12 days having lots of Nana cuddles with G6 and getting to know him a little, and also spending quality time with his two big sisters, and Mum and Dad. I also had my camera out ready to capture all the memory making moments! Here’s a sample of those precious moments…

Rebecca is so tiny...and look how big her tummy is. This photo was taken only a few days before the birth.
D1 is so tiny…and look how big her tummy is. This photo was taken only a few days before the birth.
We thought he was going to be born on the 16th...so we were prepared!
We thought he was going to be born on the 16th…so we were prepared!
And we took another photo of the 17th Just in case!
And we took another photo of the 17th Just in case!
But we didn't think Rebecca would last until the 18th....so we didn't take a photo with the number 18! This one will have to do!
But we didn’t think D1 would last until the 18th….so we didn’t take a photo with the number 18! This one will have to do!
Brand new baby Luke with his very proud Daddy :-)
Brand new baby G6 with his very proud Daddy 🙂
And the first photo of Luke with his Nana Pam....me!!!!
And the first photo of G6 with his Nana Pam….me!!!!

And from that first day of G6’s life after his birth…we managed to take heaps of photos. C1 reckons there are already more photos of G6 than he has of himself in his whole life… haha. But really, how can you not take so many photos of a very cute baby. And….such a good baby as well.

His first change into a night time stretch and grow. His big sisters are amazed by him :-)
His first change into a night time stretch and grow. His big sisters are amazed by him 🙂
And getting his first hairwash and bath by his Daddy, with help from his sisters Leeara and Casey :-)
And getting his first hairwash and bath by his Daddy, with help from his sisters G1 and G3 🙂

Now I tried to be helpful, and not be labeled as an interferring mother-in-law (D1 and I get along really well, so I don’t really fear that label at all….but I treasure our relationship, and certainly want to make sure we remain great friends …always). So I did what I went over to Sydney to do. To be helpful and make life easier for the new Mummy, and the family as a whole. I helped with the cooking, washing and transporting and anything else that needed to be done. I also had many swims and managed to crotchet a whole blanket, and cushion cover and finish a little knitted cardigan….all for G6 🙂 I hope that I was a blessing….I know that I was blessed 🙂

The first time I hung out Lukes clothes....such an emotional moment for me. I even made sure the pegs were all blue! Doesn't that clothes line just melt your heart!
The first time I hung out G6’s clothes….such an emotional moment for me. I even made sure the pegs were all blue! Doesn’t that clothes line just melt your heart!
And here he is laying on his new crocheted blanket that I made for him :-)
And here he is laying on his new crocheted blanket that I made for him 🙂
The look of satisfaction. Tummy full and sleeping peacefully :-)
The look of satisfaction. Tummy full and sleeping peacefully 🙂

And on the last full day of my holiday we went to get some family portraits taken. The photographer allowed me to take some photos from beside her. I imagine her photos are going to be spectacular, because even though my backgrounds aren’t perfect, the photos are amazing! I love them all!

A bare body photo of Luke at 11 days old :-)
A bare body photo of G6 at 11 days old 🙂
A Beautiful family portrait :-)
A Beautiful family portrait 🙂
A special moment between mother and son.
A special moment between mother and son.
Grand daughters Leeara and Casey with me....Nana Pam. The photographer also took a photo with Luke as well, but I have to wait to see that one!
Grand daughters G1 and G3 with me….Nana Pam. The photographer also took a photo with Luke as well, but I have to wait to see that one!

My son C1 has always been at ‘Star Wars’ fan. He has watched all the movies….many times. He has lots of Star Wars memorabilia. He has many collections of Star Wars collectors cards…and he can now say ‘Luke….I am your father’

Yes...One very happy Daddy to have a son after two beautiful daughters. His family is complete...or is it???
Yes…One very happy Daddy to have a son after two beautiful daughters. His family is complete…or is it???

Yes….2014 has been a great year so far. We have two new grand children to add to the fabulous four we already had. We also have another one due to be born in April. A little girl, and she will be born in London. I am guessing that that event will be my next post! And I can’t wait to meet her and share her with my world 🙂

So Proud!

I love my Mum and Dad! They are 88 and 85 and still going strong. Strong in health, living and loving 🙂 What an amazing heritage we have because of them. They deserve to be honoured…and I do honour them 🙂

We have family tea together every Sunday night, missing out only occasionally. Here are some photos of our gathering last night. G2 and G4 are staying so they entertained themselves with clothes pegs….believe it or not!

me and my Mum...yes we do look alike :-)
me and my Mum…yes we do look alike 🙂
What a lovely family group photo....love them all xxx
What a lovely family group photo….love them all xxx
Joanna with her Nana and Grandad :-)
C5 with her Nana and Grandad 🙂
Me and my oldest daughter Joanna who jut turned 22....love her xxx
Me and my oldest daughter C5 who just turned 22….love her xxx
My Mum who is 85! - 86 in September. I come from good genes :-)
My Mum who is 85! – 86 in September. I come from good genes 🙂
My Dad, he is 88 and a half!....he looks like the grandad in 'UP'
My Dad, he is 88 and a half!….he looks like the grandad in ‘UP’
A lovely photo of Jayden...except for the peg..haha
A lovely photo of G2…except for the peg..haha
Christian entertaining himself with the exercycle
G4 entertaining himself with the exercycle
My Mummy and My Daddy
My Mummy and My Daddy
The peg boys!!!
The peg boys!!!

I should have taken more photos of everyone there, but I am so happy with these photos. They all show the LOVE we have for each other.

The Best thing to Happen so far this year!

On the 4th of February beautiful little G5 joined our family. The most gorgeous little 6lb 15.8oz little baby girl. Born in Palmerston North hospital and sister to G2 andG4. Little daughter of my son C3. And we feel blessed….yes very blessed!

Have a look at this little cutie…

A beautiful moment! Daddy and daughter
A beautiful moment! Daddy and daughter
look at her face! So beautiful :-)
look at her face! So beautiful 🙂
nearly a smile here
nearly a smile here
immediately after birth
immediately after birth
not even an hour old :-)
not even an hour old 🙂
Introducing baby Ella to big brother Christian
Introducing baby G5 to big brother G4
Just looking Mum
Just looking Mum
Yes....she is loved!
Yes….she is loved!
Pretty in pink :-)
Pretty in pink 🙂
The whole family!
The whole family!
So little and loved!
So little and loved!
Introducing baby Ella to biggest brother Jayden :-)
Introducing baby G5 to biggest brother G2 🙂
He's pretty proud of her already
He’s pretty proud of her already
I'm going to keep her!
I’m going to keep her!
What little hands and fingers Ella has!
What little hands and fingers G5 has!

Te Manawa Museum

One day last week I picked G2 up after School and decided to give both him and G4 a treat. Now if you haven’t been to the Te Manawa Museum in Palmerston North, New Zealand…you MUST go! Especially if you have young children. The museum is filled with interactive displays and it is so much fun watching the children explore and learn while playing.

All the ground floor is free entry so that is also a bonus to visit there. The first area you go to is the interactive house. It has a kitchen, lounge, bedroom/reading/dressing up area, and outdoor area consisting of a clothes line and a tree hut!

But the most favourite area is the scariest. If you walk into the wardrobe and through the hanging clothes a door magically opens at the back….and you enter into a dark secret passage. The door quickly closes behind you and you are left to explore/find your way out, using all the senses minus sight! And believe me it’s a bit creepy. You hear mice scuttling and things are hanging from the ceiling…and you even have to climb a bit! If you are very brave you can feel your way to the very end and find yourself up in the tree hut. If you get a bit worried you can find the escape door and end up in the bedroom and take a rest on one of the beds…or maybe read a book…or try out the dress up clothes.

In one of the rooms you learn how to do some plumbing. If you join the pipes correctly the water will start to run through the pipes. You can also fill up a bath with water and then pull the plug…learning not to waste water!

But my favourite part is the the outdoor area where the children can construct a big wall with the soft bricks that are provided. Talk about great entertainment for boys! They love it….even if we go there every holidays…they still love it.

There are the usual museum features as well and we did explore some of those areas but the real treat is all the interactive components of the place. Have a look at the photos and see what you think…

These are not really part of the interactive area of the museum, but the boys love climbing on them. Great for photos too I think :-)
These are not really part of the interactive area of the museum, but the boys love climbing on them. Great for photos too I think 🙂
Te Manawa - Jayden on W
Te Manawa – G2 on W
Te manawa - Christian in a
Te manawa – G4 on n
A mat and block in the entrance area. These are changed to different things regularly
A mat and block in the entrance area. These are changed to different things regularly
Here the boys are about to pull the wall apart so they can build it again
Here the boys are about to pull the wall apart so they can build it again
The block are loaded onto the ramp and then wound up to the top level
The block are loaded onto the ramp and then wound up to the top level
Or...the blocks can be loaded onto a pully and manouvered up and around to the wall area
Or…the blocks can be loaded onto a pully and manouvered up and around to the wall area
Christian building the wall ever so carefully. You don't want bricks falling down on you!
G4 building the wall ever so carefully. You don’t want bricks falling down on you!
Both boys hard at work!
Both boys hard at work!
Nearly finished Christian!
Nearly finished G4!
Jayden says 'would you like soup or a coffee Nana Pam'? I answer 'both please'
G2 says ‘would you like soup or a coffee Nana Pam’? I answer ‘both please’
He then brings me the cash register to pay for them!
He then brings me the cash register to pay for them!
Christian looking down at me from the tree house
G4 looking down at me from the tree house
You can enter through the tube that comes from the secret passageway, or by the stairs :-)
You can enter through the tube that comes from the secret passageway, or by the stairs 🙂
What do you find at different layers of the ground....look and see...I see bones
What do you find at different layers of the ground….look and see…I see bones
These bricks aren't heavy Nan Pam!
These bricks aren’t heavy Nan Pam!
Reaching up to the top of the wall :-)
Reaching up to the top of the wall 🙂
Boys LOVE using these things...just like big men!
Boys LOVE using these things…just like big men!
It's the last block in the wall! Yay...done :-)
It’s the last block in the wall! Yay…done 🙂
We fill the bath and then empty it...looking at how much water we use at the different levels!
We fill the bath and then empty it…looking at how much water we use at the different levels!
tic tac toe with pillows on the floor! What a cool idea :-)
tic tac toe with pillows on the floor! What a cool idea 🙂
you throw the balls up on the top of the cloud, pull the wire and the balls fall from the cloud like rain! How great is that?
you throw the balls up on the top of the cloud, pull the wire and the balls fall from the cloud like rain! How great is that?
learning about pipes!
learning about pipes!
I LOOOVVVEE this cute little caravan!
I LOOOVVVEE this cute little caravan!
Yes it's an old tractor!
Yes it’s an old tractor!
The Maori history part of the museum :-)
The Maori history part of the museum 🙂
Through the wardrobe and what do you find??????
Through the wardrobe and what do you find??????

The A-maize-ing Maze

Today I am suppose to be packing up and driving to Palmerston North. I will! But a bit later. I HAVE to share these photos from our adventures in the Maize Maze.

The boys had been staying with us for the weekend, hence the reason I have to drive to Palmerston North today, I have to take them home….anyway… yesterday, we decided to go to the Maize maze. We had been passed the place a few times, in fact every time I took the boys either to their home or to our place. And because it is well sign posted and Jayden can read, it has been the most asked for location to visit….and it was worth the visit.

Yesterday was such a beautiful day. Not a cloud in the sky! We started off with a fabulous church service, lunch at home (corn on the cobb would you believe), and then we were off to the Maize Maze.

Two very excited boys!
Two very excited boys!
See Nana Pam...here is a sign behind us!
See Nana Pam…here is a sign behind us!
Yes there we are! We had so much fun :-)
Yes there we are! We had so much fun 🙂
Found a bit of shade to cool down a bit. Luckily Grandad brought a bottle of drink! Phew!
Found a bit of shade to cool down a bit. Luckily Grandad brought a bottle of drink! Phew!
Which way do we go?????
Which way do we go?????
Stop Christian! photo time :-)
Stop G4! photo time 🙂
Looking for the signs which are hidden in the maze. We had a worksheet to fill in and we HAD to find them all!
Looking for the signs which are hidden in the maze. We had a worksheet to fill in and we HAD to find them all!
All smiles at the beginning!
All smiles at the beginning!
The entrance to the Maze...and there are 2 paddocks to explore
The entrance to the Maze…and there are 2 paddocks to explore
Having a swing while Nana and Grandad pay to explore the Maze
Having a swing while Nana and Grandad pay to explore the Maze
Christian at the tyre maze...just beside the maize maze!
G4 at the tyre maze…just beside the maize maze!
Mount Egmont (Taranaki) without any snow! Our view as we travelled to the Maize maze :-)
Mount Egmont (Taranaki) without any snow! Our view as we travelled to the Maize maze 🙂

So as you can see it was a GREAT day. We all had so much fun, and finished the fun off with a swim in our pool as soon as we got home. These kind of days are the days that we will remember forever!

Wedding in Whangarei

All I can say is…’How refreshing!’

We have just arrived back home from a lovely weekend away. A weekend that has been planned for approximately six months. One of my best friend’s daughter had fallen in love with a lovely young man, and this weekend was their wedding, and we were invited. We had a little way to travel but it was worth it!

Our trip

Rebecca, the bride had just finished her second year of teachers training and still has one year of study left. Roland, the groom, had just completed his training to become a youth Pastor. So as you can imagine money is tight. But, they are very much in love and could see no reason to delay a wedding…they were committed to each other for life! Just look at the love in their eyes for each other!


Now the wedding was definitely a wedding made on a tight budget, but in my opinion, it lacked nothing. It was a wedding full of meaning, joy, love and a real delight to experience. A very blessed event!

It was an open ceremony held in a local park. The setting was beautiful. A lovely arch was built as a background to the altar, and a wishing well for gifts to be deposited. Very sweet!

An amazing setting! Simply beautiful :-)

We were all invited to bring along a picnic and blanket for the reception. And everyone did just that. With joy and happiness and lots of laughter, we all sat around and ate our picnic tea together, with the bridal party sitting just along from us. It was perfect! The weather was warm and sunny, the surroundings picturesque, and the atmosphere delightful. You could just feel the support and love for both Rebecca and Roland. Everyone helped to make this day a delight to remember.


And we had a reason to dress up and have a weekend away! It will certainly be a weekend to remember. I feel very blessed to have shared in the whole experience.


Rebecca and Roland…I admire your decision to get married, and I also admire the fact that you didn’t waste money on lots of unnecessary trimmings. Your wedding day lacked nothing. It was a fabulous day and a very well thought out meaningful wedding ceremony. We were all able to contribute and help to make your day special, even if it was just by bringing along our own little picnic. Many people contributed one way or another and that’s the way it should be. Why get married and start the marriage with a huge debt that is caused by the wedding day. There was no alcohol, no loud music and no raised voices. The whole experience was simply lovely!

Yes….How refreshing!!

I LOVED it all xoxoxo

A Patchwork of a year

You all know that I am a pretty crafty person. In fact I feel something missing in my day if I haven’t managed to be creative in some way. From my previous blog post you can see that patchwork has been a favourite hobby over this past year. In fact, scrapbooking has been put aside while my sewing machine has been a priority…and that is quite a miracle! So today I decided to share a few photos of my creations.

A duvet cover with a duvet inside for C3’s baby girl 🙂
A Blanket I made for D3’s Birthday. Yet to be edged in this photo.
Blanket/playmat for C1 and D1’s baby boy
Duvet cover with a duvet inside for C1 and D1’s baby boy
Blanket for C5 for Christmas 2013
A Playmat for C2 and D2’s baby girl. I hadn’t edged it in this photo, but it was edged before I sent it off to London 🙂
Made as a picnic blanket for Rebecca and Roland’s engagement present. I wrapped it up along with a salad bowl and serving spoons for their future picnics 🙂
A Blanket I made for Mum for Christmas. I also made a pillow to go with it 🙂

Now my creations are actually very simple constructions. After making these I now have the utmost admiration for real quilters. You know what I mean I am sure. The people who create masterpieces! How I would love to have the patience to fiddle around with tiny scraps if material and sew them in planned order to create a quilt that would be treasured for generations. Wouldn’t that be marvelous!

We leave behind us children and grand children and then the generations of family that follow, but to have one of your creations handed down over those generations would be something special. Maybe that could be my challenge for 2014. To make a very special quilt. Stitched with hours of love and ending up looking wonderful. Something like this one that I like from ‘Instagram’

I think this quilt pattern is lovely, but imagine all the sewing involved and all the seams to iron flat!!


But who would I make it for? I could sew it with love for each and every one of my family! But which person would treasure it forever and appreciate my time and love and energy that I will put into making it?

I guess my focus should really be in the joy of creating something and blessing someone with that creation, and not be too concerned with what happens with it over the years.

Now all I need is spare time and an awful lot of patience!