Windermere to Edinburgh

Another big day of travelling but once again saw some amazing sights! Firstly we drove around the Lakes Districts and sampled the wonderful sights that everyone talks about. You have to drive these roads to understand the experience….stone wall fences, narrow roads, steep hills, green land (well this time of the year anyway), lakes…just wonderful sights! We woke up to no rain but it was like we were in the clouds, quite misty, so it didn’t make good photography opportunities. We drove on to Penrith and visited an underground shopping centre! This wasn’t normal shopping so don’t think we had time to shop….this was a place built to attract tourists. It was a hill covered with grass…that you walked into (through a door of course) and the whole shopping centre was inside. It was great! We then moved on to Carlisle and did a tour through  Carlisle Castle…man is that place BIG! A fabulous experience as well. From there we had our first view of Hadrians wall and then moved on to the next place to view it. Talk about being in the middle of HISTORY!!! New Zealand is so young in comparison to England/Europe! And Europe is so big! Hadrians wall crosses the border between England and Scotland…and was build stone by stone by hand….about 2000 years ago!!!! Incredible. At one of the places Archeologists have dug up a whole Roman city and have a museum there with all the findings! We weren’t allowed to take photos through the museum but we could outside. They are still digging up artifacts and there is heaps more to go! Another wonderful experience. We are now in Edinburgh after a long 2 hour drive! The last half hour was in nose to nose traffic! The 3 lane motorway ends up at a round-a-bout…what a bottle neck to sort out….but Robin drove straight to our apartment (which is brand new by the way!) without any problems…..phew!!!


Leeds to Windermere

WOW!! What a big breakfast! No need to stop for lunch today 🙂 I am sure I have doubled my weight!!! Today we left Leeds to travel to the famous town of York…and we were not disappointed! What an amazing place. We took the on/off bus to see the main sights of the city and then got off to view some places closer up. York Minster is huge and fabulous…we loved it! I have put up some photos from the inside and the outside. We also did the Viking museum but haven’t added photos as it was too dark inside. It was really interesting! From York we travelled to Haworth. Now that is a must visit for everyone who travels these roads! Just getting to Haworth was an ecxperience. It’s roads were barely wide enough for one car let alone two. Haworth has one street filled with shops that you have to walk up…and down. It is at about a 45 degree angle if not steeper and has very cute shops and cobblestone roads. I was in awe of it…such a neat little place. We ended up at Windermere which is a lakeside place. A very pretty town and also a must see ! Unfortunately for us it started to rain…well continued to rain. But we had a neat place to stay so who worrries about a little water.


And we are off…..

Now it is just us four together! The expert driver Daniel is now back at work and Robin and Len have taken over the driving. Today we headed for Leeds, stopping at Nottingham and a few other places. Robin did great with the driving! We only had to go around a couple of round-a-bouts again to get to the right exit…just a few scary moments! We arrived at Leeds and our accomodation is great. The man running the place was really friendly and helpful and we all had a good nights sleep. So if you are looking for a good place to stay the Boundary Bed and Breakfast would be a great choice.

Last days in Poland and Germany

Well the 10 days with Daniel and Marysia went way too fast. Before I knew it we were back at Windlesham and packing for our holiday North! But we had an amazing time and have fabulous memories of our holiday. And….boy did we travel some miles! Have a look on a map and see just how far it is from Windlesham (near Windsor), England to Poznan in Poland! We went there and back in 10 days!!! Below are the last few photos of those days 🙂

Marysias parents place in Poland

Marysias parents are lovely and their home is amazing! They made us feel so welcome! We visited 2 castles (or palaces) near their home. One by car and the other we biked 8kms to and then 8kms back home. What a laugh! I loved it and am determined to buy myself a bike when I get back home. Robin and I, or Judy and I can bike our walkway every week! We need to get fit and lose all this extra weight we have put on! We were at Marysias place when they had a party to celebrate 35 years of marriage. It was a suprise party and was a fabulous evening! We also visited Poznan and walked through the town square, wher Marysia spent most of her university time. She loves Poznan and it brought back many happy memories for her 🙂


You have to see this place to believe it! And then you probably won’t want to ever go there again. I can’t believe that humans could be so cruel and inhumane to other humans! We did the tour of the camp in the town where horrific things were done and then the Consentration Camp hidden away from public eye…the place where so many people were killed and tortured and lived in disgusting conditions! People arrived here in train carriages..thinking they were being relocated to a ‘better place’ only to be immediately separated from loved ones, elderly people sorted out along with the sick and handicapped, and then the women and children. Most of the latter were gased and cremated straight away. It is so horrible to think about! But it is now history and we must never forget these dreadful things that were done and never let them ever happen again!

Dresden and Krakow

We wandered the streets of Dresden and saw some amazing buildings. We also caught the ferry and viewed the castles and houses along the river bank. We took the car to the other side of the river and went to a castle that had a winery. It was so picturesque and relaxing so we brought pizza and a wine for lunch and just sat and watched the world go by for awhile. In the evening we found a lovely restaurant and enjoyed a lovely meal together. In Krakow we did the communist car tour. What fun! I have loaded a photo of the car we travelled in! We sampled Polish dumplings and looked at typical Polish homes and way of life during communist times. We also saw the steel mill and how huge it was! We visited the underground salt mines! They are well worth the visit. Words can’t really describe how amazing they are! Unfortunately the photos didn’t turn out too well in the darkened rooms. I think Judy’s photos turned out better so I will try and get some of her photos. You can look them up on the internet and see the photos they have online and they are definitely better than our photos. Nothing like seeing them in real life though. We had to walk down 54 flights of steps (not big flights) but quite a walk. Caught a lift back up though…thank goodness. We also ate really well in Krakow too. So much good food. I am sure I have already put on heaps of weight! But what a fabulous time we are having!

Holiday Photos

I have finally got an internet connection where I can load some photos. I will try to name each one to give you an idea of where they have been taken. We have had our 10 days travelling over to Poland and back and have also now left C2 and D2’s place. Tonight we are in Leeds and looking forward to discovering York tomorrow. The next night will be at Windemere…a beautiful place so we have heard. I will let the photos tell the story otherwise I will be on the internet for hours and I don’t want to waste this precious time 🙂

Easter 2012

Well Easter has been and gone and I had a fabulous time! I went to Sydney again for 5 days. I haven’t any holidays left at work so I had to squeeze the visit in between my Thursday and Friday work days. My sister Judy came over with me and she also took her grand daughter Abbie. C1 and D1 brought a new home in January so it was our first time to stay in it, and it is lovely. We also met their new little puppy Rosey. Now I want a dog too. Rosey is so cute! It was great to be with the family in Sydney again. We showed Abbie the Opera House, the harbour bridge and the monorail. On Saturday the children had an Easter Egg hunt and they each filled up their baskets! On the Sunday night we had a family dinner with C4 and D3 as well so we had quite a gathering. On the Monday we went to the Easter Show. I am sure there were over a million people there…it was packed! I was sad to leave as always and am hoping to go over again in September….maybe